Sister Simone Campbell SSS | USA

"My wish for women in the Catholic Church is that all can use their gifts fully and flourish in recognized leadership no matter their role. I also wish that Pope Francis will speak directly about the importance of “women’s work.” He needs to speak of the fact that women’s work is the source of economic development, meeting the needs of those living in poverty, education of children, etc. Women need to be trusted by the Church hierarchy and lifted up as moral messengers living Catholic Social Teaching. I'm no longer staying silent about abortion. For too long in my country this issue has polarized our politics and our church. Our faith does NOT mandate the criminalization of abortion. Rather it mandates the care for the unborn. I do that by advocating for pregnant women and meeting their needs for healthcare, housing, income, nutrition, etc. The fight over the criminalization of abortion has distracted me/us from the real need to care for mothers and their families. I'm sharing this because we in the United States have been manipulated by ecclesial and political forces for almost 50 years. This paralysis has done nothing to actually care for the unborn and their mothers. The political proponents apparently do not believe that women can make a moral choice. I know that they can if they have access to the resources they need. I am sharing this because we need to take actual steps to live our faith and not get caught in what is often a male dominated campaign to criminalize women. I’m tired of the polarization and want to live my faith in a vibrant supportive encounter as Pope Francis calls us to do.”